While I was filming a couple of Ghost Pipefish suddenly an unexpected scene unfolded a few meters away; a Pink Whiptail Ray (Pateobatis fai previously known as Himantura fai) who’s back served as an all-you-can-eat buffet for Blacklip Butterflyfish (Chaetodon kleinii) and Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasses (Labroides dimidiatys) swam close by. The small cleaners are feasting on the rich pickings, mostly dead skin and small parasites, of the ray’s tail and skin.
Because my camera and lights were set to film the tiny Seahorse relatives it was as good as impossible to change all the settings on my camera before the whole spectacle would be over. As I did not want to miss out on this unique filming occasion my priority went to frame the scene as best as possible. With the wrong camera settings it took a lot of work in post-production (editing) to correct the colours of this shot.
For a more in-depth description about the Pink Whipray please go to our vlog post 176 or click on this link:
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